"Swiff Short Film" by ESMA
CGI 3D Animated Swiff Short Film by ESMA - Alexis Agliata, Théo Bonora, Arnaud Bellour, Thibaud Gambier, Juliana Berckmans, Romain Lavoine. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/swiff/
An alien spaceship breaks down and crashes on earth in the countryside. Its pilot, an alien who hates dirt goes through this terra incognita looking for his fuel, constantly disturbed by an hyperactive little boy…
Directors : Alexis Agliata, Théo Bonora, Arnaud Bellour, Thibaud Gambier, Juliana Berckmans, Romain Lavoine.
Music : Simon Lebrun
Sound : José Vicente & Yoann Poncet – Studio des aviateurs
Animation film produced as part of the 3D animated film training of the school ESMA http://www.esma-artistique.com/