VFX Breakdowns "AUTOMATICA Music Video" - by Cebas
Check out this awesome Roman Bilichenko (DigitalAxis.pro) Exclusive TP-FX Breakdown Reel for AUTOMATICA music video. (background music from original Automatica music video, courtesy of Nigel Stanford).
Cebas is delighted to have caught up with Ukrainian, Roman Bilichenko and his amazing FX team at DigitalAxis studio. He has given some great insights into his amazing effects work on the AUTOMATICA music video and visual effects with TP. Read on at @ https://goo.gl/bnoHRA . Roman also talks candidly about how he got off from a boring clerical job to an exciting start in visual effects.
Roman and his team have a lot of experience in commercial projects. Lately, they are focused on creating great FX for music videos.
Nigel Stanford, musician, sound expert, and creator of the original AUTOMATICA music video, is also featured by cebas Coming Soon - Nigel talks about the inspiration behind AUTOMATICA and his work with real robotic arms.
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