Animated Short: "Spark"
TheCGBros Presents- Spark tells the story of a curious little robot, who meets a disastrous fate. He was created in the early 50’s by an old toymaker who loved to play retro music while working on his little trinkets. However, on a fateful day, his beloved owner passed away, leaving behind the attic workshop which remained untouched for years on end. Most of the toys have decayed over time, still, there's one little robot that remains, continuing to play his owner's favorite tunes. That is until his curiosity gets the better of him.
This project was created by a small group of members including myself Steffi Exelmans and 3 others; Fabian Huwel, Guillaume Ameye, and Aletta Goedman.
I was in charge of the design and pre-production, clean storyboarding and color grading in post-production.
Fabian: Model sheet, animation, color corrections and sound
Guillaume: Animation and compositing
Aletta: 3D model of the robot and materials
Music by: Rosemary Clooney "It's bad for me" - Adjusted by Fabian Huwel